Start | Software | Blast Chamber

ID: | T-13003H-50
T-13003H |
Titel: | Blast Chamber |
japanischer Titel: | |
Genre: | Action (Battle) |
Entwickler: | Attention to Detail, England |
Publisher: | Activision [Europe/USA] Ecofilmes [Portugal] |
Jahr: | 1996 [USA] 1997 [Europe] |
Features: |        |
Videoformat: | AVS |
Soundtrack: | n/a |
| Wertung: |  |
Userwertung/-kommentar: unangebrachten Kommentar melden |
SegaSen gibt dem Spiel  | SegaSen meint: Much more fun than you might think, especially
with four players. The game has a good combination
of action and puzzle solving. It might not be much
to look at, but it offers a lot of fun modes and
levels. |

 Screenshots: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 |